Friday, October 29, 2010

Terror plot thrwarted! Just in time for elections!!

Wow! If you haven't read about it, read HERE, straight from the AP. Another potential terrorist attack averted, due in large part to the apparent ignorance of the perpetrators. Let's get this straight, they were trying to ship packages from Yemen, on board cargo planes, to synagogues in the US. They were using PETN, the same stuff as the Christmas day 'underwear' bomber. That's the idiot who tried to ignite his PETN with water, instead of a match.

My confusion on these events stems from my first hand experience of the bomb making skills that jihadists possess. During my two tours I saw and heard of many different types of bombs, some rather advanced. Explosively formed projectiles (EFP's), heat sensitive triggering, cell phone triggered, to name a few. Often times they synthesized the ANFO explosive in abandoned buildings, we located these sites through the heat the reaction gives off. My point is that these people have advanced bomb makers among them, they go to school and learn how to make and employ them.

We're told from the media and government that these people hate us for our freedoms. They would love to come to America and blow us all up. But... they haven't been able to do that? I'll freely admit that I do not know the capabilities of our nations intelligence agencies. I do know that we have open borders, knowledgeable enemies, and plenty of bomb making resources. It might take a few years, but you could slowly buy enough AN fertilizer to make a huge bomb. Or there are other avenues, you have criminals making meth, which is more complex than many explosives.

Call me a radical, but to me it just doesn't add up. Porous borders + explosives available + knowledgeable people willing to die = zero successful attacks? 

Texas Elections

On a different note, if you plan on voting this weekend, please don't vote for Bill White. Here is a picture of him addressing the National Council of La Raza, or "The Race". A racist organization pursuing the ethnic interests of it's constituents. Imagine a pro White organization named The Race. The FBI would arrest them all as domestic terrorists. However it is normal for other ethnicity's to have a collective interest. Who promotes these double standards as acceptable?

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