Friday, November 12, 2010

RE: Texas Government on Immigration

I believe that the Texas government spends a lot of their energy on immigration laws. This is an important issue that definitely needs to be addressed, but I believe they are going about it all wrong. Passing stricter immigration laws will cause Texas economy to drop significantly; there are other alternative ways to address this issue.
                Texas should not be spending all of their effort trying to deport people who are helping are economy; they should be making the process to gain citizenship easier. By working to shorten the processes to become a citizen, or gain a work permit, the government can help our economy other than harming it. Now a lot of people say that having too many immigrants will reduce the amount of jobs for native citizens and ultimately harm our economy. However, how is this possible when most immigrants are taking jobs Americans don’t want?
                Making this process easier will encourage immigrants to process their papers correctly instead of bypassing it due to it time consuming difficulty. I know there will be a lot of people who disagree with me, but I am not saying they should not completely withdraw stricter immigration laws. All immigrants do not seek citizenship, but that does not mean we shouldn’t try to make it easier for those who strive to be an American citizen. Along with some stricter immigration laws the Texas government should work to amend the process of citizenship. SOURCE BLOG
 I admire your even handed approach to the discussion. However I have to immediately call you out on the "jobs American's don't want" phrase. I'm sorry but that is such utter bull, and everyone parrots it. Back in the 50's and 60s when America was 90% composed of one race, who did these jobs? The jobs certainly existed, and they were performed. No one can tell me that the people living in our new "Tent Cities" would not take a job picking fruit or building houses. One of the best examples I have had in my lifetime was visiting Wisconsin, a house was being built across the road from my grandparent's property. Can you believe that every single construction worker was White? Now contrast that with Texas; are they really jobs Americans didn't want? Or were they undercut?

However I believe you are correct. New legislation on immigration isn't going to do anything. Not with a relatively open border, the people are here to stay. If the Republicans in Texas focus on immigration in the immediate future, they will only hasten their fall from power.

To understand the opposition though you must consider the fact that issuing legal papers is in effect rewarding the breakage of our laws. Also consider that the culture and heritage of Texas is drastically changing from what those currently in power remember from their childhood. No one really likes change, regardless of how the media coins it.

Good arguing with you. And do not take offense, I enjoy discussing inflammatory topics. Good day!

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