Friday, October 1, 2010

Campuses are targeted solely because they are gun free zones

The Austin American Statesman's editorial board wrote this column on the recent shooting suicide at UT. I wholly agree with their assessment of the campus emergency response. It was decisive, fast, and encompassing. It's obvious they have a well developed plan, and have practiced it.

I was really expecting a "guns are bad" statement in the article, being a major newspaper, and I was not let down! The last paragraph mentions that this incident will likely inflame the concealed carry on campus debate. The editors very predictably state that this is bad! More guns are bad! Curiously, there is no mention as to why Colton Tooley, the shooter, would have targeted UT in the first place. We really don't know much about his motives as of yet. His actions would almost suggest he just wanted to stir things up in the process of killing himself. He could have easily taken lives, yet didn't.

Let's ask ourselves, why do all these nutcases target campuses specifically? If you were a deranged sadistic bastard, that wanted to kill as many innocents as you could, where would you go? I can answer that! Straight to the nearest gun free zone with the largest population, hey, a campus! What does it really take to come to this conclusion? I'm not even smart. 

I have debated this with previous professors, and the common thing I hear is how they don't want everyone 'toting guns', fights would become fatal, and accidents would happen. What they fail to realize is that there are currently over 100 thousand concealed handgun licensees in Texas. When they leave campus, they almost certainly encounter at least one, whether they stop for gas, or while shopping for groceries. If you see me off campus, I am carrying. Wow, so many people are carrying guns, and yet I have never seen an accident. I have never seen law abiding individuals turn an altercation into a gunfight.

It's really sad that I, as a citizen, have to put myself into such danger while attending college. I am at the mercy of any criminal while on campus, thanks to misguided unconstitutional policies. I will admit it is truly tempting to just carry on campus anyway. It might seem like it isn't worth the risk, until that one point where your life is in mortal danger. But alas, at this current time the possible felony charge outweighs the risk of a nutcase shooting, in my mind. To clarify, I do NOT carry on campus.

In closing I would just like to take my hat off to all the school policy makers and bureaucrats that see fit to risk all our lives in the name of their ideology. Thanks!

"...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." - Second Amendment

"In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of the confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."  - Thomas Jefferson

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