Thursday, September 16, 2010

Unhappy with the POTUS means he is a Muslim?

While reading this article by the Texas Tribune, I had a chuckle at their statement that only "52 percent — answer correctly that the nation's chief executive is a Christian..."
I like how they also equate voter dissatisfaction with the belief that he is Muslim. By their logic if his approval ratings were sky high we would all consider him Christian. I do not agree with that at all, and am tired of the media acting surprised that many Americans do not consider the president to be himself Christian, or very American at all. He was raised in a Muslim country by his Muslim step father Lolo Soetoro, his mother was Christian.

I think Barack Obama should just be honest about his past. Americans respect honesty, even if it isn't what we want to hear. If we heard that he was once a Muslim, I don't believe many would be surprised, except the media of course. This somewhat follows on with the whole birth certificate controversy. The majority of the public and media have dismissed this as right wing conspiracy theory-ism. And yet the controversy remains, with court proceedings on the matter in motion right now. All he has to do is release his long form birth certificate and poof, the controversy vanishes. Why would LTC and MD Terry Lakin sacrifice his 18 year military career over a baseless conspiracy?

Back to the article at hand, I don't personally think the president is doing a bad job. Any Democratic president would be making the same moves as he has. I don't expect a president elected from either the Democratic or Republican ticket to ever hold high approval ratings again, they're truly opposite sides of the same coin. The sooner that people realize neither party is going to pass legislation that the populist movement desires, the better off we will be.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just a Test

To see if this thing works. Expect my ingenious words to appear here soon.